Signdrop Sign Installations Service Agreement

Terms and Conditions:

SIGNDROP agrees to:
  1. Execute all complete and accurate orders the next delivery date (as per our delivery schedule) and weather permitting if received by 4:00 p.m. Addresses falling outside of Calgary City limits service area will require an additional day or two depending on the area.
  2. Install and /or remove signs on a Tuesday to Saturday schedule (within the City of Calgary limits), and install and/or remove signs out of town at least three times per week. Unless prevented by extreme weather, traffic accidents, major traffic delays etc, as well as or any statutory/pre-notified holidays that fall within the aforementioned work schedule.
  3. Follow all instructions from the customer concerning placement of post in consideration of safety and city ordinances. If specific placement instructions are not given, installers will use their best judgment. Placement of post for units will be set in front of the unit unless otherwise directed. Once installed, a request to move a post or straighten after fourteen (14) days from the initial installation will result in a service charge based on the service area.
  4. Follow instructions from the customer regarding underground systems including items such as sprinklers and invisible fences. It is the responsibility of the customer to notify SignDrop of any underground systems and have the location of sign install clearly marked. SignDrop is not responsible for any damage to underground systems unless notified of its presence prior to installation/removal of post.
  5. All condo signs need to be placed at the front entrance of the condo, unless otherwise stated by the Realtor. If there is no entrance or common area the driver will need specific instructions for the placement of the sign
  6. If a Realtor cancels our Service we agree to removal all active listings on that day and deliver them to the realtor for a service fee.
  7. If a Realtor is threatening or abusive we have the right to end the agreement. At that time we will collect our equipment and deliver the signs to the Realtor for a service fee. We have ZERO Tolerance Policy for threats, slander and abuse of any kind to our staff ~ online staff, telephone staff or drivers.
Realtor agrees:
  1. To provide complete information for each listing that includes: VENDOR, ADDRESS, ZONE, UP OR DOWN, EXPIRATION DATE, SALESPERSON'S NAME, and SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. For acreages LOT, BLOCK, SUBDIVISION NAME, COUNTY, ZONE, directions and a description of the property. Provide detailed maps and/or visible markings (painted stake, just listed ‘A’ frame etc.) for vacant land, lots without numbers or foundations or lots under construction. If directions are not complete, a service charge will be applied to go out a second time.
  2. To keep contact information up to date and current, with a cell phone number (or other direct line, not a general office number), Brokerage name and e-mail address.
  3. To have requests e-mailed, phoned, or faxed to SignDrop by 4 pm for next day delivery within the City of Calgary limits. Any requests received after this time will be processed the next business day, except on Fridays when they will be processed on the following Monday barring any statutory/pre-notified holidays.
  4. That due to safety concerns, neither agent; homeowner; nor tenant can remove or relocate a sign post or pin. SignDrop is not responsible, nor will be held liable for any damage to property or self if any other person other than a SignDrop team member removes the sign post or pin.
  5. To not move signs to another property while the rental fee is in effect for each location. THERE IS A $75 ADDITIONAL CHARGE EACH TIME A REALTOR MOVES A SIGN TO ANOTHER PROPERTY WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF SIGNDROP.
  6. The realtor is responsible for the equipment (damage, vandal, lost, missing, etc) during the time that our equipment (pin and post) is under contract with the realtor.
  7. A realtor has 30 days to dispute a charge of lost/missing equipment. There are no refunds after 30 days. An additional service charge will apply to pick up the lost/missing equipment. The realtor is responsible for covering the cost of any impound fees if a sign is picked up by the City of Calgary.
  8. To provide at the time of installation request the signage name if it is different than their legal name. i.e. realtors name is Christine but name on signage is ‘Chris’
  9. To provide SignDrop with the listing agreement time period, length of listing, and expiry date for each property a sign installation is requested for.
  11. To a $2 service fee for the installation/removal and storage of any toppers requested at the time of installation. If a topper and/or rider is requested after original sign installation, a service fee based on the service area will be charged. See SignDrop Sign Installation prices for reference.
  12. To a $4 service fee for the installation of brochure boxes at the time of installation. If a brochure box is requested after original sign installation, a service fee based on the service area will be charged. See SignDrop Sign Installation prices for reference.
  13. To put their full name and full office description on any of their clip-on’s, toppers, riders, brochure boxes and special-order hangers so SignDrop can return them to their office on a regular basis. SignDrop is not responsible for missing, broken or unlabeled equipment collected by a SignDrop team member.
  14. That any equipment returned to a Realtor’s office or requested address will be subject to a delivery fee based on the service area.
  15. That Realtors and offices are responsible for maintaining current and up to date Brokerage/Office, billing and contact information. Accounts without current up to date aforementioned information may be subject to a suspension of service.
  16. That Realtors & offices are responsible to inform SignDrop immediately when/if they switch Real Estate companies, CHANGE PERTINENT INFORMATION DISPLAYED ON FOR SALE SIGNS, DISCONTINUE USING SIGNDROP AS THEIR SERVICE PROVIDER OR NO LONGER OPERATE AS A REALTOR. It is Sign Drops’ policy to have any current listings and stored inventory swapped out; all at the same time, with new/modified signs if any changes to Realtor information is shown on For Sale signs is changed. If discontinuing using SignDrop all of our equipment is removed from the current listings and returned back to our possession. We carry this policy to maintain and ensure all current/future signage has the most up to date and correct information. Service fees apply to any listings that need swapping out based on service area and service required. There is a flat rate of $5 per sign for any stored signs that need information modified (ie: applying new decals).
  17. To make an appointment to retrieve stored inventory. There is an automatic disposal fee of $5 per For Sale sign or bundle of name plates and a $3 flat fee for stickers/decals.
  18. That SignDrop obtains realtor lists from the brokers regularly and sorts through and disposes of all stickers & hangers of realtors that do not appear on the active Realtors lists. Fees may apply. Realtors are considered inactive if they have no activity on their account for a period of 2 years or longer.
  19. To Sign Drops’ SIGN PLACEMENTS policy: Our drivers install signs at the best location they deem possible due to property line, solid ground, obstacle and/or visibility. If a specific location is required, you must clearly mark it and note the location on the request form. This is most important for condos/townhouses as some projects allow signs at the unit, some at the entrance, and some NOT-AT-ALL. SignDrop is not liable for damage caused to sprinklers, lawn and/or landscaping during installation.
  20. To Sign Drops’ policy regarding LOST OR DAMAGED SIGNS AND/OR POSTS- Posts and Pins are the property of Sign Drop - Damaged or lost posts and pins will be charged to the Realtor. Lost or damaged posts - $50.00 each Lost or damaged pins - $50.00 each These fees are lost revenue charges and DO NOT mean you have purchased the missing posts and signs, as they still belong to SignDrop." IF LOST POSTS AND SIGNS ARE RETURNED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THEIR DISAPPEARANCE YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE CREDITED IN FULL.”

All offices/realtors using Sign Drop must keep their accounts up to date or will be contacted and services may be refused until payment is received. Individually billed realtors must have a current active credit card on file in order to keep their account open and active. If authorization for payment is declined/ cancelled, the account will be closed and all signs will be removed the next business day.

  1. All services are pay as you go and charged to the credit card on file before services are rendered. We also accept etransfers. A $25.00 NSF charge on all Non-Sufficient funds received. A $25.00 fee for all credit cards declined after three attempts.
  2. All invoices and receipts are e-mailed or faxed to customers. A paper bill or receipt can be supplied for a $10 processing fee.